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Where are you on the road to Zero Carbon?


Where are you on the road to Zero Carbon?

Canada is committed to hitting net zero carbon emissions with set targets as early as 2030. Today, this stands as an indisputable imperative and a fundamental goal for conscientious enterprises. Failing to meet this benchmark places your business at risk, exposing it to heightened operational expenses, criticism from your customers, shareholders, industry, and the potential erosion of market share to more sustainable competitors. Start your journey to carbon neutrality today and position your business for a sustainable future.

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Partner with Ecovert: Proven Decarbonization Solution Consultants

Achieving carbon neutrality is an intricate undertaking, requiring a deliberate and strategic approach. This endeavor requires a considerable investment of time and the formulation of a meticulous plan. As zero carbon consultants, Ecovert specializes in developing decarbonization plans for both new and existing commercial or residential buildings. No other firm in Canada has completed more CAGBC Zero Carbon Building™ (ZCB) certification projects to date than our team. Leverage our experience, expertise, and innovative solutions to develop your carbon-neutral plan and put it in motion.

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Our firm has had the privilege of working with Ecovert on several different projects over the years that include both industrial distribution warehouses as well as commercial office towers. Regardless of whether the assignment is preparing an SB-10 related energy model, commissioning or acting as the primary LEED certification consultant, Ecovert’s team of professionals has always delivered the highest level of expertise and servicing. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

- Michael Mittleman, Vice President Business Development – LEDCOR

Ecovert makes sustainable buildings easy for their clients. They fully understand how to translate corporate sustainability goals into a constructable, financially feasible solution, and can translate complex rating systems into accessible language for any level of technical knowledge. Ecovert then stands alongside their clients as implementation partner to turn goals into reality.

- Ryan Moore, Senior Director of Development - Eastern Canada - BentallGreen Oak

Ecovert is a trusted partner that is very knowledgeable about sustainability and has proven capabilities to help landlords achieve their sustainability goals. Their expertise is helping the real estate industry progress to a more sustainable future.

- Lee Hodgkinson, Head of Sustainability & Technical Services - Dream Unlimited

Working with Ecovert is always a pleasure. Ecovert’s staff are well versed in current and developing work practices and technology which combined with their understanding of the economics of various options results in the project’s sustainability goals being fully achieved while maintaining the project budget.

Daniel Castiglione - Vice President, Development – Triovest

Contact us for more information

Office Locations

100-55 Ormskirk Ave
Toronto, ON M6S 4V6

50 Queen St. N, Suite 560
Kitchener, ON N2H 6P4

116 Albert St, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3

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