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Recommissioning process

Our process is designed to optimize the re-commissioning process by focusing on the following:

Control Systems

The most important component of an HVAC system is its controls. Whether standalone or BAS-driven or a combination of the two (as is normally the case), how controls are set up and operated and the related settings and sequences have a significant impact on the equipment’s efficiency. We also focus on inter-operation of various HVAC systems, such as in the case of Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS), and lighting control systems, which are usually simpler, but also have a significant impact on energy use.

Original Design Intent Vs.
Present-Day Operation

Throughout the life of a building, operations frequently must adapt to changing needs all while dealing with a system designed for a different intent. As such, we utilize our knowledge in HVAC systems design to focus on a comprehensive understanding of the original design intent, and how best to accommodate the needs of present-day operations.

Practical Recommendations

Based on our in-depth documentation review and on-site testing, we generate a list of no-cost and low-cost recommendations complete with energy saving estimates. The recommendations reflect changes in operation, sequencing, sensor placement, as well as design issues we may see. We also generate higher cost recommendations but would qualify these in discussions with the Recommissioning team.

Commissioning Agents who simply fill out checklists or follow routine procedures and paperwork ultimately fill out checklists, but do not prove effective in achieving optimization. In addition, our process surpasses the “just make sure it does what is specified” mantra. Our approach to Re-Commissioning helps ensure that a building meets present day’s unique needs of its owner and occupants, operates as efficiently as possible, provides a safe, comfortable work environment, and is operated and maintained by well-trained staff or service contractor.

Contact us for more information

Contact us for more information

Office Locations

100-55 Ormskirk Ave
Toronto, ON M6S 4V6

50 Queen St. N, Suite 560
Kitchener, ON N2H 6P4

116 Albert St, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3

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